5 Telltale Signs It’s Time to Move — Your Place Finder

How do you know when it’s time to move someplace new?

Moving is a momentous life event. In many ways, the process of deciding if it’s time to move is similar to the process you go through to decide if it’s time to leave your job, or your spouse.

Accepting that where you’re living is not working for you can be difficult. It’s natural to resist “pulling the plug.” You want to believe it will get better, that things will improve if you just stick with it.

It’s also likely you already know in your heart what you want and need to do.

The signs that it’s time to move are usually in plain sight, if you’re willing to see them. Your actions (conscious or not) may be telling you it’s time to move. In other cases, events happening around, or to, you can be a tip-off that it’s time to move.

The prospect of moving may be daunting, but the repercussions of staying where you are could be much worse. Research has shown that feeling a strong a sense of belonging to the place where you live contributes to greater happiness — and even longevity!

Do you have a hunch a move may be on your horizon?

See if you recognize these 5 telltale signs it’s time to move and learn steps you can take right now to set the wheels of your move in motion, so that you’re ready to take action when the time is right!

You never really put down roots.

Your home can provide some telling clues that it’s time to move. It’s challenging to work up much energy or enthusiasm to decorate or renovate when you know deep down that you’re not going to be staying where you are for the long haul.

For example, we never really moved into our house since our ill-fated move to Iowa in 2016. We didn’t bother decorating much and we delayed making necessary improvements to our 120-year-old house until right before our planned move to Eugene, Oregon this spring. (Which is now on hold but, hey, at least we have a fully functional bathroom!)

When you aren’t invested in the present, it can be easy to fixate on the future.

If you notice that you’re focusing more on what will make selling your house easier than how you can get the most comfort and enjoyment out of it while you’re there, your house is telling you it’s time to move!

You feel no social connection to where you live.

Feeling socially connected to where you live is as important to your health, happiness and well-being as sun, air and water are to a plant’s survival. This bond to community creates a sense of belonging that is needed to feel genuinely at home where you live.

It’s easy to retreat when the relationship is lacking between you and where you live.

In some cases, you may never have felt a social connection to your community. In other cases, you may have felt a connection in the past but no longer feel it. Both people and places change, and they don’t always change in compatible ways.

If you feel estranged and disconnected from the place where you live, those feelings are telling you it’s time to move!

Your efforts to “make it work” are unsuccessful.

When you sense where you live is not working, it’s tempting to want to give the place the benefit of the doubt before you decide to move on. You tell yourself, maybe if you make more of an effort to connect with people you’ll start to feel at home.

And yet, when you attempt to forge some kind of connection, you realize you’re trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. Everything you do misses the mark.

If you’ve tried to make it work but still feel a nagging incompatibility with where you live, consider that a red flag that it’s time to move!

You keep getting signs from the universe.

When something is not meant to be, the universe has a way of chiming in.

Often, it takes more than one hint from the cosmos that you’re living in the wrong place for the message to really sink in. The hints may be too subtle, or you just may not be ready to hear them. At some point, though, it’s impossible to ignore the warnings.

We’ve been getting major hints that we don’t belong in Iowa from the get-go.

First, our central AC unit died during a horrendous heat wave two days after we moved in. Ever since then, we’ve had horrible luck trying to find locals to do business with who aren’t out to rip us off!

Then, not long after we moved in, the city chopped down the gorgeous, massive ash tree that had stood in front of our house for over 70 years due to a beetle infestation. That tree had stood there for nearly a century — until we got here!

These are only a couple of examples, but you get the idea.

If the cosmos is sending messages that you’re not meant to live where you are, listen because it’s telling you it’s time to move!

You dream about living someplace else.

If you’re not feeling happy and fulfilled where you live, it’s natural to dream about living someplace else.

You may not have a clear vision for what you’re looking for; you just know the place needs to be nothing like where you are now. And because you’re not sure what you’re looking for, you spend your time browsing aimlessly online or surveying family and friends for ideas and inspiration on where to move.

The problem with these approaches is, if you base your decision on how different a place is from where you are now, you risk over-correcting. And if you base your decision on what other people say, you’re missing the most important part of the equation — you!

In either case, you run the risk of moving to a place that’s equally — or more — repellent than where you are or getting stuck in dreaming mode and not moving anywhere.

So, how do you dream about where to move in a constructive way?

The secret is to tune out all the outside distractions and tap in to what you need to feel at home where you live. Once you have a clear vision of what you want and need from your new location, you can begin to put your plan in place.

Fortunately, you don’t have to figure it out on your own.

The PlaceFinder system I invented will help you transform your dreams of finding and moving to an amazing new place that you love into an actionable plan. What’s more, you can handle most of the steps of your search for the right place to live from the comfort of your own home!

Recognize any (or all) of these signs it’s time to move?

It’s a bummer to feel stuck living in a place you don’t belong. And while moving in the near future may not be an option, now is the perfect time to go through the steps to identify your most promising place prospects and create your scouting visit plan to guide you in vetting your top prospects in person.

Not only does having a clear action plan for your move provide a light at the end of the tunnel to help you tolerate where you’re living now, it allows you to be ready to spring into action when the time is right!

Start your search for the right place to live today!

Ready to get a jumpstart on figuring out the right place to live? Let’s talk! Book your free, no-obligation consultation right here.

Originally published at https://yourplacefinder.com on April 9, 2020.



Margaret Vandergriff, Your Place Finder

Margaret Vandergriff founded Your Place Finder to help women in midlife and beyond find, plan and make the move to their dream location and start a new life.